Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Kim's Compassion: Play Time!

As sponsors, something we can provide for our children is the opportunity to just be children! Help your sponsored kids learn the art of play by sending playing cards, puzzles, or printable board games!

  • Card games are a hit! I had trouble figuring out how to send a whole deck...but a dear sponsor friend taught me a great trick. Purchase the cheap trading card sheets and stow the cards in the slots. They often sell the protective sheets at Dollar Tree. You may need to tape the top flaps shut to keep the cards in place. My sponsored kids loved these! Personlizing playing cards can be pricey, but have a super fun effect. They would make a fun birthday gift. Check sites like, Wal-Mart and Shutterfly for deals!
  • Print out some dominoes!! This is a popular game. In the DR, teenagers play this game in groups on the street. You often see the loser holding a cement block in the air with one hand as a consequence for losing...or with clothespins clipped on his face! Search and print up to double 12's. These are sneakily educational too!

  • Send jigsaw puzzles! My husband and I love to put together puzzles, and now we have a purpose for it! You can even send puzzles with many pieces for older children. The first step is to put the puzzle together. Then, divide the puzzle into chunks so that no piece is larger than 8 x 11. Place the puzzle chunks on cardboard and wrap tightly with plastic wrap. Make sure the finished product is no more than 1/4'' thick. Cut the photo off of the box for your child, and label the wrapped puzzle with your sponsorship info. Again...using your own photos (or photos of your sponsored child) to create a personalized puzzle can have fabulous results!


1 comment:

  1. You have so many great ideas! I never thought to customize the gifts that I send to my girls in Haiti!
